Who We Are

Christian women who have joined together to encourage, inspire and share stories, prayers and advice to help women live authentic lives of faith. SittingRooms was founded in 2011 by Sonya Cherici. The ministry is part of evangelistic outreach efforts to local communities and women around the world.

Our Belief

We believe there is only one God, the Lord God; and there is one mediator between God and man: Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died to redeem us from bondage to sin and death. We believe that faith in God and in Jesus as the Son of God are requirements for salvation. We believe that salvation is a free gift that cannot be earned. It is our belief that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and that our prayers and requests should be made to God through Jesus' name. We strongly believe that Christianity is not merely the act of going to church, but is a relationship with the Lord God and a way of life as modeled by Jesus Christ. We believe that repentance, faith, obedience and a relationship with God are necessary for eternal life. We believe the Spirit of God is as active today as during the time the Bible was written. We believe that God still speaks to His people in dreams, visions, thoughts, His Word and through people. We believe in the Bible in its entirety as the blueprint for living the Christian life.

We believe that God is Spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. We believe God's commands are eternal and that He still requires holy living. We believe that God has given gifts to be used to serve Him and the church. We believe that God calls every believer to share his or her faith.